We Have Your New Year's Resolution Covered

Every year around this time WE ALL start thinking about how we're going to make the new year even better. You may even start to make lists:

  • Practice smarter.
  • Get more gigs.
  • Get better gigs.
  • Play more sessions.
  • Yoga.
  • Drink more water.
  • Eat healthier.
  • Take walks.
  • Less time on social media.

I'm sure your list probably looks like mine. No matter where you are on your journey, there are always things you can do better, more efficiently, and more effectively.

I have spent the past decade creating a practice system that will provide you ample opportunity to work on material that will absolutely make you a better musician - regardless of what level you are at currently.

DrumMantra is all about practice. It's about practicing things that improve your time, reading, coordination, polymetric awareness, phrasing, and groove.

DrumMantra is also about developing mental skills like concentration, patience, awareness, and understanding. 

I personally invite you to join us on a journey in 2022 that will bring you to a whole new level.

Starting January 1, 2022:

  • We will begin the weekly Primary Series practice sessions, which will happen twice a week (Saturdays at 9:30am CST, and Tuesdays at 6pm CST). The Primary Series book is broken into 11 sections. We will be focusing on 1 section each month, giving you TWO opportunities each week to practice very focused, challenging material for almost the entire year! Your practice experience will be different every single week. 
  • WE WILL ALSO be offering a weekly practice session for the Foundational Series, which will happen every Sunday at 12pm CST. The Foundational Series sessions last 25 weeks before repeating, so we will do the entire program twice in 2022.

All of these practice sessions are LIVE on zoom with me guiding us through the material.

Each of these sessions is $10 to join. If you came to every single session (3 a week) it would cost you about $1500 for the year, BUT if you were a member of DrumMantra, you are able to come to ALL the practice sessions for only $29/month PLUS you get access to a huge amount of lessons, courses, and exercises that are stored in the Lesson Vault.


I TRULY BELIEVE THAT THE DRUMMANTRA EXERCISES ARE A GAME-CHANGER. Join now and get a 2-week FREE trial to check it out for yourself!


Q: What level player do we have in the DrumMantra membership? 

A: Mainly professional drummers from around the world (over 20 countries) who are looking to deepen their study and advance their understanding. This is not to say that intermediate-level players wouldn't benefit from these exercises. 




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Get the FREE 8-part course for developing greater coordination through polymeters.